About us
“Delivering quality, primary care in Rotherham.”
What is a Primary Care Network?
With the population increasing and average life expectancy being much longer than 30 years ago. There has been an increase in people with long term conditions such as diabetes, heart problems or mental health issues. This means that local health services are needed much more now, than when the NHS was originally set up in 1948.
To meet these demands, GP practices have teamed up with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas. Working together to provide better care, primary care networks were born.
Primary care networks generally serve areas with 30,000 to 50,000 people, providing care, support & guidance.
What we do
Rotherham Central North PCN provides care and health services for approximately 35,000 patients in Rotherham between 4 GP practices. We work together and with the help of our PCN funding, we are able to recruit highly trained staff such as physiotherapists, social prescribers and physician assistants. We are now able to provide better access appointments and the highest quality care.
Our practices
We have 4 GP practices within our private care network. Find out how we are helping patients get the best out of healthcare.
Visit our practices
Learn more about the services available and how we can help you. We have support services that can benefit your wellbeing.
Visit services
Self care
Discover what help and advice there is available for health, lifestyle and mental issues. Find useful local and national available resources.
Visit self care
Our mission
To provide high quality, comprehensive and patient-centred primary care services that meet the needs of our local population.
Our vision
Our primary care network aims to work together to provide the best healthcare we can to our network population.